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清心 2024-07-28 17:00:18 生活知识

Wanted是英语单词,意思是“渴望”、“需要”、“想要”。在日常对话中,人们常常会使用“wanted”来表达某种要求或者期望,例如一个孩子要一个新玩具,他可以说:“I wanted a new toy.”“wanted”的意思还可以是“被通缉的”。

1. wanted的基本解释


wanted也可以表示“被征求的”,用于描述某个职位或者角色需要填补的空缺。例如,在公司的招聘广告中,常常会看到这样的用法:“we are hiring and wanted a new marketing manager.”这句话的意思是公司正在招聘一个新的市场经理。

wanted还可以表示“需要”或者“想要”。这个意思通常指的是人对某个东西有强烈的欲望或者需求。比如,一个人可能会说:“I wanted to buy a new car.”表示他有购买一辆新车的愿望。

2. wanted的派生词义

除了上述基本解释之外,wanted还可以衍生出一些其他词义。比如,wanted poster是指通缉令,用于公开宣布一名嫌犯或逃犯的信息,以协助逮捕。这种海报通常包含嫌犯的照片、个人信息、犯罪事实和奖金金额,以鼓励公众提供线索。

wanted也可以用作过去分词形式,用于表达“缺少”或者“需求”。例如,如果某个产品在市场上供不应求,我们可以说:“There is a high demand for this product. It is wanted by many customers.”

3. wanted的词源及发音


In conclusion, "wanted" is an English word that means "desire", "need" or "want". It can be used to express a request or expectation in everyday conversations. Additionally, it can also refer to someone who is being sought by the police or fill a vacancy in a position. The word "wanted" has various derived meanings, such as a wanted poster, which is used to publicly announce information about a fugitive or suspect, and it can be used as a past participle to indicate a lack or demand for something. The word "wanted" originated in the 17th century and has a distinct pronunciation in both British and American English.